We’re here to help you become the best version of yourself.


At Libby Munro Nutrition, we take a holistic approach to nutrition which systematically tackles issues like gut health, autoimmunity, sleep, stress, movement, and mindset to help you reach your full potential.

Our services are driven by three guiding principles:


Enriching Nutrition

Living a healthy lifestyle doesn’t have to be boring. Instead of promoting fad diets and excessively-restrictive eating patterns, we support nutritional practices which are nourishing, enjoyable and sustainable.


Customised Solutions

Everyone’s body and definition of ‘healthy’ is different, so we tailor our coaching services to your specific goals. We're here to guide you towards positive health outcomes, whatever that looks like for you.


Long-term Vision

Reaching your nutrition and health goals requires commitment, perseverance and encouragement. We’re here to provide the support and direction needed to make your goals attainable, offering sustainable long-term solutions.